Is College Worth It?
I have worked in information technology management for over 20 years, and part of my duties during that period have involved finding, vetting, and hiring IT personnel including engineers, technicians, analysts, developers, supervisors, and project managers at corporate IT departments and IT consulting firms. So I speak from experience when I say there are a plethora of individuals on the job market that hold degrees, even advanced degrees such as masters and doctorates, but have little to no real world experience or marketable skills and have a very hard time competing in the job market. I have hired roughly 50 people during my career thus far, interviewed hundreds, and unfortunately have had to fire several as well. I've had several people with advanced degrees reporting to me over the years, some have been good, others not so much, but in every case, it's the individual's willingness to learn and succeed, and not the degree that has led to their success or failure. I