Eliminate Passenger Screening
Years ago, I worked as a private security officer (both armed and unarmed- primarily in healthcare environments). I also used to own a company that sold military and law enforcement equipment to local, state, and federal governments as well as to private individuals and security firms. I have sold tactical equipment to various police departments and SWAT teams, the US Department of Defense, the US Navy, US Army, Drug Enforcement Agency, and others. In fact, I once equipped a 25 man assault team on the USS Port Royal with tactical gear and body armor. So needless to say, I'm very familiar with the worlds of security, military, and law enforcement. I am generally a supporter of law enforcement officers, military personnel, and security officers but let me qualify that support... I support those aforementioned personnel who understand, respect, and cherish the Constitution of the United States. Many of those personnel swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United Stat