
Has Jesus Already Returned?

The idea that Jesus has already returned and that the New Heaven and New Earth were established in AD 70 is rooted in the belief that many of the prophecies in the Bible, particularly those found in Daniel, Revelation, and the teachings of Jesus Himself, were fulfilled in the first century AD. The events described in these prophecies unfolded during a 40-year period between AD 26 and AD 66, culminating in the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70 by the Romans, marking the end of the Old Covenant world and the beginning of a new spiritual reality. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus made it clear that His return and the fulfillment of prophecies would happen within the lifetime of His contemporaries. For example, in Matthew 16:28, He says, "Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." Similar statements are found in Luke 9:27 and Mark 9:1, emphasizing that some people alive duri

Eschatology and the Future of Mankind

When it comes to eschatology or "the doctrine of the last things" the Bible is intentionally cryptic.  In fact, when Daniel asked about this "My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time." ( Daniel 12:8-9)   There are, in fact many views as to what the future on Earth holds, most with convincing and valid points and scripture can be found to confirm those views, but the Bible itself tells us that this information is "sealed up" so beware of those who are certain of how the future of Earth will play out. Preterists believe that nearly all of the events of Daniel and Revelation and the future events that Jesus spoke of have already occurred on Earth during the first century, primarily during a 40-year exodus period from 26-66 AD culminating in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD by the Romans.  After all, Jesus says in Matthew 24:34 during his Olivet Disco

Who are the Elohim?

Elohim is a word peppered throughout the Old Testament (OT) Bible in the original Hebrew, which is typically mistranslated to English as God but as we shall see, there is a big difference between the elohim of the OT and the one true God of Jesus. For many, what you are about to read will be dramatic paradigm shift that will change your worldview.  I want to reassure Christians that your belief in Jesus Christ and the God of Jesus Christ will remain intact, but as you will learn, much of what you may have been taught to believe is not as you were told.  Everything in this article is based on the Bible.  It is our duty as believers  to discern that which is true from that which is false.   I encourage you to use a reverse interlinear Bible (showing the original Hebrew text and transliteration next to the English translation) to confirm everything I cite here.  I personally use Logos for this, but there are a few free options available such as the Blue Letter Bible .  Do not simply take

Our California Experience

We just left California after living there for a month, traveling around the state from Fortuna to Lodi to Kingsburg to Santa Clarita. We enjoyed seeing the sites such as the Redwoods, Sequoias, Lake Tahoe, vast vineyards and fruit orchards, the beaches, as well as more populous places like San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Disneyland, etc. I wanted to try to understand how Californians have allowed the state to collapse to the degree that it has. Even while deliberately avoiding the worst areas, we still saw rampant homelessness throughout the state from the north to the south.  There is litter nearly everywhere, and a general undercurrent of crime, with frequent graffiti, bars on windows, and more. The tourist parking lots of San Franciso were littered in broken glass from cars being broken into. This seems like the inevitable result of failure to prosecute criminals, which is the worst in the largest cities. I can understand why their police decline to put their lives and

The Lies We Are Told

According to a quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, "if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."  Over the past few years, we have learned not just of a few, but of hundreds of big lies that have been told to the public, particularly by media, by governments, and even by the scientific community. I submit to you that one of the largest lies that millions still believe, is the premise that humans are a cancer upon the Earth and that human life is not, in fact, precious.  At its core, this belief comes not from humans, but from the demonic realm.  It is rooted in jealousy from beings that do not have the same connection to the Spiritual realm that humans do.  These beings are driven to do everything they can do to pervert and destroy mankind, but they do not have the power to do so directly, and so they work to convince humans to carry out their bidding.   They tirelessly promo

The Dangers of Censorship

Censorship, whether conducted by governments or private entities, is a very dangerous road for free societies to take.  I've talked about this issue before, but things may be changing for the better in some ways.  First let's talk about where we are today.  Traditional media companies and networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC,  New York Times, Washington Post,  and later CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc. who dominated mass media for decades have been supplanted over the past 10 or 15 years to a large degree by tech companies and their platforms.  Old media is still around, but to get their messaging out, they rely more heavily than ever on social media and tech platforms for distribution of their content, such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and back-end providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Apple.  In the last few years, especially as the world has grappled with COVID-19, messaging on those platforms has been increasingly restricted and censored to promote a particular narr

America in 2021

We travelled for four and a half months in the summer of 2021 in an RV through 17 states throughout the heartland of America.  We travelled from Indiana through Illinois and Iowa to South Dakota where we stayed for three weeks, then onto Wyoming where we stayed a week, two weeks in Montana, a week in Idaho, two weeks in Utah.  We drove through Nevada and down the Vegas strip before literally stepping foot into California, which was about as much time as we wanted to spend there.  We then spent a  week in Arizona, two weeks in Colorado, two weeks in New Mexico, three weeks in Texas, drove through Louisiana, a week in Arkansas, a week in Mississippi and a week in Tennessee before returning to Indiana. We learned that, in general, Americans are still united and eager to help one another.  Nearly everyone we met was friendly, particularly in the RV spaces, but that's always been the case with RVers who tend to look out for each other.  While p olitical and media forces are working over