Unintended Consequences
People will always do what are in their own best interests. Free market capitalism has been successful largely because it takes advantage of this fact of human nature to serve the needs of others through the profit motive. However, when this is done artificially through government edict, history is replete with government policies creating disastrous outcomes. For example, colonial Delhi, India wanted to eradicate cobras in the city, so they offered a bounty to people to hunt the cobras, which worked at first, but then people started breeding cobras to continue receiving the bounty after the wild cobras were gone. The government then removed the bounty, and people set their cobras free, resulting in an even larger cobra problem. This is called the Cobra Effect. There are myriad examples of the unintended consequences of government policies, from seat belt and airbag laws making it more dangerous for pedestrians, to payday lending laws dri...